Guidelines for Submitting Public Records Requests
Public records of Crestline Village Water District shall be open to inspection during regular office hours of the District to the extent required by law, and except as otherwise provided herein. “Public records” are all records of the District retained in the ordinary course of District business and in accordance with the District’s Record Retention Schedule, as may be amended from time to time, and which is incorporated herein by reference, except as otherwise provided herein. “Public records” are all records of the District except those which are exempt from disclosure by the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code Section 6250).
Any person desiring to inspect any public record shall identify himself or herself and shall identify the specific records desired to be inspected. The District shall, in accordance with Government Code Section 6253.1, assist the member of the public to make a focused and effective request that reasonably describes an identifiable record or records to the extent reasonable.
See Our Full Policy Below
Records Request Policy.pdf